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Selected Publications

  1. K. Jain, A. Pandey, H. Wang, T. Chung, A. Nemati, P. Kanchanawong, M. P. Sheetz, H. Cai,* R. Changede*. TiO2 nano-biopatterning reveals optimal ligand presentation for cell-matrix adhesion formation. Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2309284. Frontispiece

  2. Y. Jia, M. Wang, H. Cai. Advanced nano-bio interfaces for biosensing and diagnostics. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023, 11, 1296849 (Editorial).

  3. T. Chung, H. Wang, H. Cai. Dielectric metasurfaces for next-generation optical biosensing: a comparison with plasmonic sensing. Nanotechnology, 2023, 34, 402001 (Invited topical review).

  4. X. Zhang,* H. Cai,* S. Daqiqeh Rezaei, D. Rosenmann, D. Lopez.* A universal metasurface transfer technique for heterogeneous integration. Nanophotonics, 2023, 12, 1633.

  5. J. Waitkus, Y. Chang, L. Liu, S. V. Puttaswamy, T. Chung, A. M. Molina Vargas, S. J. Dollery, M. R. O'Connell, H. Cai, G. J. Tobin, N. Bhalla, K. Du. Gold Nanoparticle Enabled Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance on Unique Gold Nanomushroom Structures for On-Chip CRISPR-Cas13a Sensing. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2023, 10, 2201261.

  6. K. Jain, P. Kanchanawong, M. P. Sheetz, X. Zhou, H. Cai,* R. Changede*. Ligand functionalization of Titanium nanopattern enables the analysis of cell-ligand interactions by super-resolution microscopy. Nature Protocols, 2022, 17, 2275. Cover Article

  7. Y. Chang, M. Bao, J. Waitkus, H. Cai, K. Du. On-Demand Fully Enclosed Superhydrophobic–Optofluidic Devices Enabled by Microstereolithography. Langmuir, 2022, 38, 34, 10672.

  8. X. Zhang, L. Medina, H. Cai, V. Aksyuk, H. D. Espinosa, D. Lopez. Kirigami Engineering-Nanoscale Structures Exhibiting a Range of Controllable 3D Configurations. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2005275. Cover Article

  9. H. Cai,* J. A. Dolan, G. S. D. Gordon, T. Chung, D. Lopez.* Polarization-Insensitive Medium-Switchable Holographic Metasurfaces. ACS Photonics, 2021, 8, 2581.

  10. J. A. Dolan, H. Cai, L. Delalande, X. Li, A. B. F. Martinson, J. J. de Pablo, D. Lopez, P. F. Nealey. Broadband liquid crystal tunable metasurfaces in the visible: liquid crystal inhomogeneities across the metasurface parameter space. ACS Photonics, 2021, 8, 567.

  11. Y. Li,  G. Li,  P. Zhang,  H. Zhang,  C. Ren,  X. Shi,  H. Cai,  Y. Zhang,  Y. Wang,  Z. Guo,  H. Li,  G. Ding,  H. Cai,  Z. Yang,  C. Zhang,  Z. L. Wang, Contribution of Ferromagnetic Medium to the Output of Triboelectric Nanogenerators Derived from Maxwell's Equations. Advanced Energy Materials, 2021, 11, 2003921. Back Cover 

  12. R. Li, Chao M., H. Cai, W. Chen. The CAR T-Cell Mechanoimmunology at a Glance. Advanced Science, 2020, 7, 2002628.

  13. H. Cai,* S. Srinivasan, D. Czaplewski, A. Martinson, D. Gosztola, L. Stan, T. Loeffler, S. Sankaranarayanan,* D. Lopez.* Inverse design of metasurfaces with non-local interactions. npj Computational Materials, 2020, 6, 116.

  14. J. Zhou, N. Moldovan, L. Stan, H. Cai, D. Czaplewski, D. Lopez. Approaching the strain-free limit in ultrathin nanomechanical resonators. Nano Letters, 2020, 20, 5693.

  15. [US patent] D. Czaplewski, H. Cai, D. Lopez. Ultrathin, polarization-independent, achromatic metalens for focusing visible light, 2020, US 10613254.

  16. R. Changede, H. Cai, S. J. Wind, M. P. Sheetz. Integrin nanoclusters bridge thin matrix fibers to form cell-matrix adhesions. Nature Materials, 2019, 18, 1366 (Co-first author). Commented in Nature MaterialsRead more

  17. H. Cai,* D. Czaplewski, K. Ogando, A. Martinson, D. Gosztola, L. Stan, D. Lopez.* Ultrathin transmissive metasurface for multiwavelength optics in the visible. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114, 071106.

  18. H. Cai, J. Muller, D. Depoil, V. Mayya, M. L. Dustin, M. P. Sheetz, S. J. Wind. Full control of ligand positioning reveals spatial thresholds for T cell receptor triggering. Nature Nanotechnology, 2018, 13, 610. Read more

  19. [Book chapter] H. Cai, D. Depoil, J. Muller, M. P. Sheetz, M. L. Dustin, S. J. Wind. Spatial control of biological ligands on surfaces applied to T cell activation. In The Immune Synapse. Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press: New York, NY, 1584, 307 (2017).

  20. H. Cai, H. Wolfenson, D. Depoil, M. L. Dustin, M. P. Sheetz, S. J. Wind. Molecular occupancy of nanodot arrays. ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 4173.

  21. H. Cai, S. J. Wind. Improved glass surface passivation for single-molecule nanoarrays. Langmuir, 2016, 32, 10034.

  22. E. Penzo, M. Palma, R. Wang, H. Cai, M. Zheng, S. J. Wind. Directed assembly of end-functionalized single wall carbon nanotube segments. Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 6547.

  23. H. Cai, D. Depoil, M. Palma, M. L. Dustin, M. P. Sheetz, S. J. Wind. Bifunctional nanoarrays for probing the immune response at the single-molecule level. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2013, 31, 6F902. Editor's pick

  24. Z. Yang, H. Cai, G. Ding, H. Wang, X. Zhao. Dynamic simulation of a contact-enhanced MEMS inertial switch in Simulink. Microsystem Technologies, 2011, 17, 1329.

  25. Z. Yang, G. Ding, H. Wang, H. Cai, X. Zhao. Modeling, simulation and characterization of a micromachined acceleration switch with anti-stiction raised strips on the substrate. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2011, 1, 1195.

  26. Z. Yang, G. Ding, Z. Zhou, H. Cai, X. Zhao. Analytical model of squeeze film damping for microelectromechanical systems structures with anti-stiction raised strips. Micro & Nano Letters, 2010, 5, 258.

  27. H. Cai, Z. Yang, G. Ding, H. Wang. Development of a novel MEMS inertial switch with a compliant stationary electrode. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2009, 9, 801.

  28. Z. Yang, G. Ding, H. Cai, X. Xu, H. Wang, X. Zhao. Analysis and elimination of the ‘skip contact’ phenomenon in an inertial micro-switch for prolonging its contact time. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2009, 19, 045017.

  29. H. Cai, G. Ding, Z. Yang, Z. Su, J. Zhou, H. Wang. Design, simulation and fabrication of a novel contact-enhanced MEMS inertial switch with a movable contact point. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2008, 18, 115033.

  30. H. Cai, Z. Yang, G. Ding, X. Zhao. Fabrication of a MEMS inertia switch on quartz substrate and evaluation of its threshold acceleration, Microelectronics Journal, 2008, 39, 1112.

  31. Z. Yang, G. Ding, H. Cai, X. Zhao. A MEMS inertia switch with bridge-type elastic fixed electrode for long duration contact”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2008, 55, 2492.

Invited Talks

07/2023        META 2023, the 13th international conference series on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Paris, France. 

06/2023        2nd Annual Spatial Biology Congress, Boston, MA.

01/2023        Department of Radiology Research Seminar, part of Vilcek Seminars in Biomedical Imaging (course BMSC-GA 4416).    

11/2022        "Advanced Biophotonics", University of California, San Diego, online.

07/2021        Perlmutter Cancer Center Seminar, NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

04/2021        Biomedical Engineering Colloquium, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

03/2021        WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Nanobiotechnology for Cell Interfaces, online.  

10/2020        RIT ME Virtual Seminar, Rochester Institute of Technology, online.

10/2019        SPIE FOCUS: Light and Matter, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.   

05/2015        59th International EIPBN Conference, San Diego, CA.  â€‹

Conference presentations

  1. [Oral] Scalable manufacturing, transfer and integration of metasurfaces for biosensing, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 2024, Seattle, WA.

  2. [Poster] TiO2 nanopatterning with super-resolution imaging reveals molecular mechanism in cell-matrix adhesion, BMES CMBE Conference, 2024, San Juan, PR.

  3. [Invited] Integrated optofluidic devices for medium-switchable metasurfaces and metasurface-based biosensors, META 2023, the 13th international conference series on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2023, Paris, France.

  4. [Invited] Nanopatterning to Manipulate Biomolecular Spatial Arrangement and Cell Receptor Signaling, 2nd Annual Spatial Biology Congress, 2023, Boston, MA.

  5. Dielectric nano-interfaces for biosensing and cell mechanobiology studies, SPIE Photonics West, 2023, San Francisco, CA.

  6. Dielectric metasurface-based Nano-bio interfaces for biosensing and cell mechanobiology studies, BMES Annual Meeting, 2022, San Antonio, TX.

  7. Metasurface-based multi-signal biosensing platforms, SPIE Optics and Photonics, 2022, San Diego, CA.

  8. [Poster] Dielectric nanopatterning enables super-resolution imaging of molecular-scale signaling events in mechanobiology. 48th Northeast Bioengineering Conference, 2022, New York, NY.

  9. [Invited] Nanoengineered biomimetic interfaces for T cell mechanobiology study, WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Nanobiotechnology for Cell Interfaces, 2021, online.

  10. Exploring the parameter space of broadband all-dielectric liquid crystal tunable metasurfaces in the visible, SPIE Photonics West, 2021, online.

  11. Holographic metasurfaces multiplexed by surrounding media, SPIE Photonics West, 2020, San Francisco, CA.

  12. [Invited] Ultrathin metasurface for the visible light based on dielectric nanoresonators, SPIE FOCUS: Light and Matter, 2019, Evanston, IL.

  13. Ultrathin metasurface for the visible light based on dielectric nanoresonators, SPIE Photonics West, 2019, San Francisco, CA.

  14. Ultrathin metasurfaces based on dielectric nanoresonators for visible light, 62th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, 2018, Puerto Rico, PR.

  15. High-efficiency, low-aspect-ratio planar lens based on Huygens resonators, International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, 2017, Santa Fe, NM.

  16. Out-of-plane spatial control on single-molecule biomimetic surfaces, 60th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, 2016, Pittsburgh, PA.

  17. [Invited] Molecular occupancy of nanodot arrays. 59th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, 2015, San Diego, CA.

  18. [Poster] Probing the minimum geometric requirements for T-cell stimulation. Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, 2015, Baltimore, MD.

  19. [Poster] A versatile single-molecule nanoarray platform for T-cell activation. Gordon Research Conference on Nanostructure Fabrication, 2014, Biddeford, ME.

  20. A versatile single-molecule nanoarray platform for T-cell activation. 58th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, 2014, Washington, DC.

  21. Bifunctional nanoarrays for probing the immune response at the single-molecule level. 57th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, 2013, Nashville, TN.

  22. [Poster] Nanoscale platform for single-molecule control of T-cell receptor organization. Gordon Research Conference on Nanostructure Fabrication, 2012, Biddeford, ME.

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